
Download the Current Official NBDC Rule Book – 2018 NBDC Rulebook

2018 Promoter Handbook

General Rules of Competition

Winners of Super Major, Major and Qualifying competitions generally play by these easy steps of competition.

  • They leave the gate at a brisk pace without running.
  • Their dogs find birds inbounds.
  • Flushing breeds flush birds.
  • Pointing breeds point birds for at least 3 seconds until the hunter gently forces the bird to take flight.
  • They shoot birds with clean shots.
  • Their dogs fully retrieve birds back to where the shot was taken.
  • They call time with the allotted number of birds and when the last bird is in hand, and in control.
  • They immediately leash their dog and leave the field.

NBDC World Rankings

World Rankings are calculated by the amount of Championship points competitors and dogs receive throughout their lifetime of competition.

We use Qualifying events, Declared Major Championships and Super Major Championships to weigh the amount of points to be awarded.

As we progress, those well attended Qualifying and Major events may change relative to the attendance and quality of competition.

The BDC Events Page will let competitors know which events will be National Qualifiers, Declared Majors, and Super Majors.
